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​Greenfields Community Group was formed in 2017 and is the volunteer organisation committed to bringing the community together, working to enhance and protect Greenfields Parkland, expanding the range of facilities to provide for the wellbeing of local people.   ​A historic date for this group was 24th September 2024 this was the date that Shrewsbury Town Council began work to clear the area of parkland that had been fenced off for decades and was the subject of years' long legal appeals by the community to oppose housebuilding in the public park.   The community were delighted to finally see the fences taken down just a few days before Christmas and the major task in the new year is to raise funds to protect, develop and enhance this 'countryside site', ensuring the land  is fully accessible and provides space for invaluable community facilities.  Our work to do this has started.​




One of our main purposes as a community group is to raise funding to make park improvements that will benefit the community. Greenfields serves a wide urban neighbourhood and the group of volunteers works tirelessly to protect and upgrade our local park.  ​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The history of the park goes back to the early 1900's when builder Anthony Pace was constructing a small estate with short streets named after Shakespearean characters (Falstaff, Percy, Hotspur ...) upon reaching the north end of  Falstaff Street and within sight of the old River Severn Bed he generously offered a section of the remaining open space for recreational purposes and the 'Recreation Ground' for Greenfields is the land that we work tirelessly to enhance and protect. 

Today's park area is a lovely green open space with woodland 'avenues' providing access to Greenfields Bowling & Community Centre, Greenfields Allotments, and the Children’s Playground.   


The Park is a green zone within streets of dense housing, both Victorian and Modern, and provides an oasis of nature and walking trails and routes for local people.  The well-used walking circuit around the perimeter connects the areas of housing and also leads to Ellesmere Road and Greenfields Primary School, with access under the railway bridge to Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings and Ditherington.   

For five years between 2018 and 2023, local people worked tirelessly to raise significant funds for the local campaign to put a legal case together to overturn Planning Permission given by the Local Authority for fifteen houses to be built on land that is part of Greenfields Park.

On March 1st, 2023, community efforts were rewarded and the Supreme Court issued a ruling that legally protects Greenfields Park for community use and prohibits any form of housing development. 

The health and wellbeing benefits for local people will always be worth fighting for and it is important to note that the park was left in trust for the 'health and recreation' of the local community. 

This pledge is still as important today and modern science tells us that the mental and physical health benefits of these increasingly precious green spaces are vital for the nation's health. 


Supporting the health and wellbeing of local people will always remain at the heart of our work.

We are committed to working with the Local Authority to restore access and protect and enhance the original full area of land.  We are currently working to raise funds for inspiring public art, outdoor exercise spaces, seating, solar lighting, signage, community orchard provision, accessible food and herb gardens and the installation of CCTV to ensure the security and safety of  all park users.


Our Aims

  • To secure community funding  grants to develop and improve park facilities for the benefit of local people

  • To enhance the  park amenities 

  • To share knowledge and contacts with The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces

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